how i am so happy to be home.. :)) *senyum sampai ke telinga*
everyone's home.. well, at least until July.. then my brothers will start their semesters..
so its probably just me, kakak and nabilla at home.. and of course my parents... :(
anyway, before i came back, i stayed a week in Egypt.. u know, just jalan-jalan, makan angin.. :)
here's what happened.
17th June 2008
- Arrived at Cairo International Airport
- bB's cousin, Affan picked us up at the airport. Since we arrived at night, there's really nothing much we can do left.
- Checked in at Malaysian Hall
- Sleep
18th June 2008
- woke up at 7.30 am. Got ready and left the building at 8.30 am.
- drove to Alexandria which is in the northern Egypt. It is situated beside the Mediterranean sea. It has a spectacular view of the sea!! damn nice.
- we went to the oldest library in the world which is the Bibliotheca Alexandria.
- We had seafood for lunch. yum2. damn kenyang. huhu..
- left Alexandria around 5 pm and head back to Cairo.
- sampai Cairo, tido~
19th June 2008
- Jalan-jalan in Cairo
- went to see the Pyramids of Giza
- went to the bazaar and bought souvenirs
- Affan bargain for us since he knows how to speak Arabic. So we didn't get cheated. huhu...
- went to Al-Azhar mosque and university.
- rested at Malaysian Hall the whole evening.
- rushed to the train station around 9.15, our train was leaving at 10 pm.
- ran into Mawi (yup, the AF winner - he was shooting "jejak Mawi" in Egypt. :P) on the way out of Malaysian Hall. Didn't get to take his picture though bcoz we were rushing..
- arrived at the train ngam-ngam pukol 10.
20th June 2008
- 11 hours in the train. dah la sejuk giler dlm train tu..
- watched the sunrise (cantek giler!)
- arrive in Luxor
- spent the whole day in Luxor
- we went to Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple
- didn't get to go to Valley of the Kings and Queens though, because they were on the West Bank of Nile River and they were too far, we didn't have much time on our hands.
- had lunch in McDonald's. :P
- prayed, and made our way to the train station
- the train was late 2 hours. :(
- watched the sunset in the train. it was even more gorgeous than the sunrise
- arrive in Aswan at 11 p.m
- checked into hotel, had dinner and went to sleep
21st June 2008
- trip to Abu Simbel was canceled. it was hot (40°C - 43°C!!), and didn't have enough time
- went to the damp. a really big dam, which controls the depth on the Nile river so that Egypt wont be flooded.. huhu..
- and then we went to Philae Temple. the temple is on an island in the middle of Nile river. not so sure about the history though, because we were backpacking and didn't have enough money to pay for tour guides... lol~ [save budget]
- spent the whole day walking around Aswan. can't get enough of the view of the Nile River. there's no word to describe.
- main2 air sungai Nil. the water was really cold.. it was nice..
- prayed, rest, head back to the train station.
- made our way back to Cairo
22nd June 2008
- arrive at Cairo around 10 am.
- i rested the whole day
- bB went some more souvenir shopping
23rd June 2008
- went to the airport at 1 a.m
- checked-in our baggages
- leaving Egypt on the airplane at 4.50 am.
- arrive KLIA at 11 pm local time.
and now, i am just enjoying home.. :)
i miss bB!
*check out more pics in friendster*