Saturday, September 7, 2013

Better Late Than Never: Dr Maimuna+Dr Irfan's Engagement

Heee.. I know it's very late to post up pics of  my engagement, but oh well, better late than never right? and I know you guys are actually waiting for it.

So, my engagement was almost 5 months ago. 13th April 2013. Had everything planned, although there was so many things happening right before the event.

One, the case where my engagement ring got stolen. Then my then-to-be fiancé's grandmother passed away few days before our engagement.  I thought of postponing our event, but his family said everything was already prepared, so we went on with it.

They gave me his grandmother's ring for our engagement. :'(
It's really sad. His grandmother was so excited to come to Kuantan, but I guess it was her time. Allah knows better.

Not to mentioned, I was SICK! Paediatrics really left me a gift, I was on night shift 2 days before my engagement and I fell sick. I was working with 38.5'C temperature and vomited the whole night. I had to asked my colleague from the other ward for blood taking because I was shivering. My fingers turned blue while I was doing my rounds and had chills. Luckily my MO was cool. I think I overdosed myself on Brufen that night. :p

So anyway, the event started after Maghrib. We also did Doa Selamat right before my event.

Here's some pic of the night.

The pelamin. Done by my mother.
The house all prep up
Yours truly. The dress bought in Variante Pavillion.
My face looks so "sembab" because I was sick and slept the whole day.
"I do"
 I'm engaged!
 My bestfriends!
 With his parents
My family, the people who made it happen. Without them it wouldn't be a success.
The hantaran. Mine was done by my auntie and cousin.
So there you have it. The people I have to thank most is my mom and my maklang. They're the ones who made the event a success. Also not to forget my cousins. Hopefully those who came had a blast! I know I did.
Missing that moment.

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