Friday, July 13, 2012

Final Night in Moscow

Tonight's my last night in Moscow. It feels so sad to leave this place, where I call my home for 7 years but at the same time, I can't wait to be home in Malaysia with my family.

Moscow has thought me a lot of things about life, especially in being independent and stronger in strenght and my way of thinking. I don't know how things will go tomorrow, I just hope everything will go smoothly. I just pray there will be no misfortune befall onto us. May Allah protect me and my friends and may we arrive in our destination safely. InsyaAllah.

The things I'll miss most about Moscow will definitely be the SNOW! And of course the friends I've made who became my family. Without them, I don't think I could have survived Moscow. I'll cherished every memories we made. I hope we'll meet again in the future and never be out of touch.

To my readers, thank you for following my posts through my life in med school. My travels, my sorrow and happiness. I'll be updating posts about my Kazan trip and Saint Petersburg soon and also about my graduation ceremony! Most probably when I'm all settled down in my room back home in Kuantan. Please be patient! I'm so sorry for being so busy! >_<

So, farewell Moscow, may we meet again someday. Maybe next time with my children? haha. :">


mr.Rock n' Roll said...

I really enjoy reading ur blog,its an adventures that some never had d chance 2,some of us r being unlucky n maybe 2 busy.well,its easier 2 forget some of our dreams..keep posting,i really do enjoys reading it,it feels like sharing d same experience sometimes, a long as its ok 2 read them,bye.

ffh said...

blog more especially when you are in Malaysia!

Anna Mohamed Amin said...

@mr. Rock & Roll, thank you so much for reading my blog! I love sharing my stories. My blog is sort of my diary and I love to reread them sometimes. Sometimes I couldn't believe things that I wrote happened in the past.. I don't think I'd remember all of them if I don't write them down.. :))

@Ann, I'll try!!! >.<