Sunday, December 16, 2012

Chapter 2: Working Life

This will be my last post as a student. As of 17th December, I am officially a government servant working under the Health Ministry.

Unfortunately, I didn't get posted to Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan Kuantan. Somehow, all the housemen posts in Kuantan is all filled up. I got Hospital Selayang instead. No one from my induction batch got Kuantan. Nonetheless, I shall keep a positive mind and accept what Allah has planned for me.

I am leaving Kuantan today. Right now, I am still trying to sort things out and get the packing done.. Sigh..

I have memory of going back to Moscow. I hate packing....


F. said...

Congratulation Anna! wish you luck on your new chapter of your career! :)

Pink Lavender said...

selamat bertugas doc gigi!!:)

makneng follow sini
jemput follow makneng...

ffh said...

i punya la censored the name of the hospital in my latest comment:p

Anonymous said...

Hello Dr! I'm a final year medical student 2 more months to graduation, and I chanced upon your blog. I've been trying to search for doctors who are working in Selayang Hospital, and I was wondering if you would be kind enough to share some of your experience with me. How's it like working there? Would you recommend it as a choice? Would appreciate it if you'd let me email you! Hope to hear from you soon!


Anna Mohamed Amin said...

Haha.. I don't really know how to answer your question Rachel because I don't have any other hospital to compare it with. And I'm only in my 2nd posting, so I can't really say much. So far, I've been having fun. I heard it's not as hectic as other hospitals, and it's computerized. Sometimes the computerized thingy is a real bothersome because you have to do double work, but it's easy to trace back your patient's history. Practical wise, they don't really let HO do a lot of things except for the basic things. Just as far as I've been working for 5 months there. I don't know if they'd let you do things if you'd show more initiative though.. Anyway, I don't think it matters so much where u're working as long as you're willing to learn.