Saturday, October 29, 2011


Has anyone got any of this link posted on your facebook wall?

"~✿ Tudung kita pun dah nak ke arah macam ini sekarang..cuba perhatikan..ini fesyen bertudung ZAMAN SEKARANG yang DIBANGGAKAN ramai..
Rasulullah bersabda,
"Sesiapa MENYERUPAI satu kaum, ia dari kaum tersebut".
(HR Imam Abu Daud dari Ibnu Umar) 
JAUHILAH dari memakai sebegini..AGENDA kafir laknatullah itu sangat HALUS sehingga kita tidak sedar, ketahuilah wahai WANITA ISLAM sekalian."

Let me give you another quote I got;

45. Muslim women wear the head covering (hijab) in fulfillment of God’s decree to dress modestly. From a practical standpoint, it serves to identify one as attempting to follow God in daily life and, therefore, protects women from unwanted advances from men. Righteous women throughout history have worn this type of modest dress. Prominent examples are traditional Catholic Nuns, Mother Teresa and the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus.

Please remind ourselves that Islam is not the first religion of Allah swt. Please remind ourselves that Islam is not the first religion that Allah swt commanded to cover our head and dress with modesty.

If I see women covering their heads, walking around anywhere in the world, If these nuns did not wore their cross on their chest, I would've thought they're Muslims.

And I ask you, Isn't the shirts and pants the men wore are not of the Westerners? Did not the "non-Muslims" who created this type of clothes? T-shirt and jeans? and we see Muslim men wearing them all over the world. Why not say something about that? Why not wear like the Arabs? Wouldn't that be more Islamic? If that is your argument?

Why keep beards when the Jewish rabbis also keeps their beards, as well as the Brahmins? Wouldn't that be like following other religions too?

but who am I to say such thing u may ask, I don't even wear Hijab...
I'm just wondering...


diyah_Noh said...

Seriously, i sgt tertarik dengan post elaborate more I x berani sebab ilmu memang x cukup..still, it stimulates me to have a deep reflex. I sought other's opinion too after read this post.

Yeah..It's true kita x boleh tiru perkara2 yg menyerupai agama lain, jika kite melakukannye, kte seolah2 tergolong dlm golongan mereka jugak (yakni agama lain) nauzubillahiminzalik... Pasal tudung tu, x jelas act siapa yg meniru siapa... like pic yg ditunjukkan tu, people comparekan dengan tudung yg diikat kat belakang tu kan? ade pendapat cakap, sebenarnye org kristian yg meniru tudung org islam.

For the beard, mmg sunnah nabi menyimpan janggut kan..X perlu nak disamakan ngan Jewish. Mungkin Jewish jgk yg meniru umat islam (pkataan 'mungkin' sbb I takde ilmu sgt pasal ni)

In general, for me..meniru agama lain tu maksudnye things yg clear apabila kita melakukannye, menampakkan kite ni seolah2 agama lain. Eg: pakai salib, going to upacara2 agama lain, going to tempat2 sembahyang agama lain, memakai pakaian agama lain.

If soal seluar jean & t-shirt that u've been thinking, jean & t-shirt is not a symbol for agama lain.. Just..maybe it was invented oleh mereka2 yg bukan beragama Islam.. Islam X melarang kite gune & pakai ciptaan org bukan Islam kan? As long cara yang mengikut syariat, menutup aurat.. There's no problem to wear as long kalau cukup syarat2 tu.

We've heard islam itu simple. Don't make it complicated. Islam tu memerdekakan, bukan menyekat..

Same goes to barang2 teknologi skrg, byk ciptaan org bukan islam kn? x de masalah pn nak pakai, tu bkan tanda kite meniru mereka, tp kte mengambil manfaat drpd ciptaan2 mereka...

Itu apa yg I boleh share sama dengan u Anna.. If I salah, betulkan I..And if u ada link2 berkaitan, care to share with me ya babe :D

Anna Mohamed Amin said...

awwww.. thanks for making them clear babe! These things been running in my head for awhile.

You're absolutely right! Islam itu simple! ^_____^

For the beard thing, memang sunnah Nabi saw. But I think Jewish simpan janggut pun sebab sunnah Nabi jugak, for I think Nabi Musa had a beard too. Wallahualam~ Tapi kalau tak silap, Ustaz i cakap, ada cara2 potong beard untuk bezakan antara Islam & agama2 lain. Tp tu pun i tak sure sgt mcm mana. Sebab bukannya ada gambar Nabi saw potong janggut mcm mana kan? :P

ffh said...

true enough that we're not the master of religion. but one thing i pernah dengar dari ceramah. dahulukan wajib. jadi sekadar tutup aurat dah. bila dah buat wajib baru yang lain. that's my principal though in this issue.