Friday, March 23, 2012


I'm currently in Therapy/Medical cycle right now...

So we're with Dr. T again!! We had Dr. T. in 5th year 1st semester.. We already aimed him since last semester to get him this semester because we'll be spending 5 weeks in Medical this semester and WHAT LUCK! We got him! (I said too many "semesters" in this sentence)

2 and 1/2 weeks just passed by so fast. He's so adorable and such a sweetheart. Not to mention charming and kind and of course very smart! Plus, he's only 29 years old! Sighhhh...

Imagine my class has 6 girls and 1 guy. Every single day we'll be like "AWWWWW..." every time he does something sweet.

He was telling us about a rabbit that came by his house and eating all the plants in his garden (Honestly, I don't know how he actually grew a garden in winter. Maybe they were plants in pots?) So he caught the rabbit the other day, and he told us that rabbit is a male. And he gave us the honor to name the rabbit!! The whole class went "Awwwwwwwww~"...

I think I'm having too much of his sweetness. I haven't miss class yet, while the others have, and I think I'm overdosing on his sweetness. Now I'm considering to miss at least 1 day of class just to shake off those sweet stuffs, but at the same time, I'll feel a bit of regret missing class for no reason. I rarely ever miss class.

Today, finally we sat in a room. Since his office is under renovation, we've been having classes at the hospital's corridor. Sitting on the sofa at the patient's "living room", I supposed.  We borrowed Dr. Shaidyuk's room since she'll be away until 31st March. There was a coffee machine in the room. Then he asked out of a sudden, "Do you guys want coffee?". Of course we said, "No, thanks. It's ok". Then he said, "No, I want coffee and I don't want to drink alone". So he went off washing the cups and prepared coffee for us. He was the barista for the day. All of us looked at each other so awkwardly! LOL!

So we sat, drinking coffee and talking about coffee. Yeah, it was so weird. but he's so sweet! >_<

I'm telling you, I'm overdosing.

So sad, that only 2 and 1/2 weeks left...


F. said...

haha u r really OVERdosed.. :D

Anna Mohamed Amin said...

and I think I'm going through withdrawal syndrome all weekend.. esok class! yeay! hahahahaa... :P

Yidrishka said...

I missed 2 days of class, out of which only 1 was with him and I'm still feeling the "withdrawal symptoms."

I can't remember the last time I was so eager to go for class...oh, wait! I remember. It was in 5th year, 1st sem, when we had him as out Therapy teacher. :-P

Anna Mohamed Amin said...

LOL! Sha! I thought I was the only one who was going through the "withdrawal symptoms"... >.<

Miss Iffa said...

Haha definitely overdosed!